The process towards conversion varies from person to person, but the act of conversion is the same for each convert – it is to believe in (internal component) and say (external component) the testimony of faith:
There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
Saying the testimony of faith is usually done formally, and is called the Shahada. When a person wants to say their declaration of faith, we say they are “taking their shahada”. It is normally done in the presence of witnesses, and can be conducted by an Imam or other religious leader.
Benevolence has conducted many beautiful and peaceful Shahada ceremonies for converts. Converts are welcome to come alone, or bring any family or friends with them. Taking one’s shahada is a simple process of saying (and believing) the declaration of faith in front of witnesses. You may say it in English and Arabic and we will guide you through this process.
If you are interested in taking your shahada and converting to Islam, please contact Benevolence to discuss this, and hear more about the process.
Following your Shahada, we can also offer you a printed Shahada certificate, signed by your witnesses and verifying your conversion to the faith. Thanks to generous Zakaat donations from our community, we also offer resources including gift packs, prayer resources and Islamic books to new converts who take Shahada with us.